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1-Day Mini Retreat


Sint-Jacobskapel, Nijmegen, 23 October 2021



Lih Lah Yoga is pleased to organize a full day programme with two lovely guest facilitators: Evan Kidd and Inge Vanderplaetsen! We have  carefully assembled a set of workshops around the theme "(RE)CONNECT!" that might provide you a chance to explore new styles of body awareness and expression. We will start in the morning bringing our focus inwards during the yoga session by Evan and guided imagination by Cindy. After a healthy and tasty vegetarian lunch, we will shift our focus also more outwards during the afternoon workshops of Inge. All will take place in the intimate space of the Jacobs chapel.

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Welcome in the Chapel



Vinyasa Yoga Class

by Evan



Short Tea Break



Guided Imaginative Mediation

by Cindy



Lunch Break



Sacred Song


Movement Meditation

by Inge



This Vinyasa Yoga Class gives a dynamic and active start of your day. You choose how deep you like to go in every pose. Afterwards you will have increased (body) awareness and feel energetic.


During this Guided Imaginative Meditation, you will go on a travel of the subconscious and find out which message you will tell yourself. Afterwards there is an option to express your visions on paper in silence.


Since ancient times people have been gathering in circles to sing. Songs to worship, to celebrate crops or songs for prayer. Singing together without effort, brings healing, connection and joy. It also centers and relaxes the body and mind. During the Sacred Song session you can sing along with simple (repeating) old and new sacred songs from different cultures, or just close your eyes and listen. It doesn't matter if you have a voice, everyone can join. Just feel the resonance, the frequency and the words that will make you peaceful and bliss.


During the Movement Meditation: become quiet, feel your body. Be present, be conscious  You don't have to do anything. What does your body want to express? We will take you on a journey through different styles of music, deeper into your essential self. You don't have to be a dancer. Your body will move itself as it needs in that very moment. We don't talk, let the music take over and let our body do the talking. Afterwards you will feel more relaxed and centered.


Sounds interesting? Join us!



Evan was born in Australia and moved to the Netherlands in 2017. During the day he's a mild-mannered researcher. He's been practising yoga since 2013, first as an alternative to exercise in the gym, from which he slowly became interested in all aspects of yoga practice as an antidote to the fast pace of modern life. He completed his teacher training in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga in 2021. His classes involve a mixture of strong poses and creative sequences, all the time connecting movement to breath.


Inge is a former singer & educated as dance-coach. Through conscious movement she supports people to find balance in their lives and body and let them express what words can not tell. Through her own experience with burn-out she discovered that talking sometimes makes things worse but that the body holds the wisdom and never lies. Besides dance-coaching she loves to sing mantra's and sacred songs in her singing circles, facilitates intimate sacred cacao ceremonies, Meditation movement for kids & parents (Hartedans)  and moon circles for women. All under the name of Mana Conscious Dance & Music. In her free time she nurtures herself in nature, through Ecstatic Dance, writing and Eastern practices like Healing Dao/Chi Kung.


1 day (RE)CONNECT!
Workshops (including lunch, tea and snacks)

44 euro (regular price)
39 euro (student price)

1/2 day (RE)CONNECT!
(Morning or Afternoon Workshops
(including lunch, tea and snacks)
25 euro

Subscribe by sending an email to: and you will receive a payment link.

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